Fitness Marketing Websites By Design

Has your website not been updated since Bill Clinton was president? We’ve got some fresh new websites by design that are intentionally crafted to deliver the results you expect.

Smartflex Solutions | Website Design for Fitness Marketing

Take a peek at our latest designs for marketing fitness professionals and personal trainers. It’s got everything necessary (and then some) for generating leads and closing sales for your business. Below are 6 tips on how to get the most traction from your website layout. How does your current site measure up?

Branded Logo & Color Scheme:
Get a Text or Image and Text logo that is a good fit for your brand in terms of style and colors. What feeling do you want visitors to have upon seeing your overall design? Remember, when people arrive at your website initially you will never get a second chance to make that Immensly Important First Impression. We can certainly help you with getting a logo and design that has your prospects begging for more. Contact us for more info here.

Intuitive Page Navigation:
Your page navigation is standard across your entire website and needs to have as few tabs as possible in the header area to accomplish the goal of your website. That goal being Conversion to SALES! Did we mention that we’re really good at helping you get a website that converts leads to sales? Well… we meant to. Think long and hard about the most essential message you want your customers to hear and then craft header navigation pages that speak directly to those core needs. Take a look at what your competition is doing for brainstorming ideas and then mastermind with our world class customer service team who are pros at helping you weave your site together seamlessly.

Use images that give your target market the feeling of how they ideally want to look and feel. Use the “20% over 30 Rule”. People over 30 generally want to look 20% younger than they are. So find images that show your end user in the best possible scenario.

Here are a few of our favorite places to find great images online:

Get a blog added to your website. This is a MUST. The search engines love regularly updated content. Adding a blog to your marketing mix is essential for capitalizing on your Social Media Marketing campaign.

Magnetic Headlines & Body Copy:
Use direct response headlines and body copy that magnetically attract your target market to read and respond to your website and blog. Your team at Smartflex can help you craft results-getting website copy. Here is a list of our copywriting services.

Lead Capture Forms:
Driving traffic from the internet back to your website is the purpose of your online marketing. Having an Opt-In Lead Capture Form on your website creates a funnel of leads for your business. I can’t stress this enough. Your website needs to have a purpose and that purpose is capturing leads and converting prospects to sales for your product and service. Let us show you how.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our new website designs and also want to know what features you’d like added in our coming designs. Leave your comments below.

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