Facebook Fan Page Website Design

You already know about Facebook, everybody does.

What you might not know are the Cold Hard FACTS about Facebook. Did you know, Facebook has over 400 Million users and Growing? Thats equal to the size of the entire population of the United States of America and Mexico. Combined!

And of those 400+ Million users, did you know that half of them log onto FaceBook EVERYDAY SINGLE DAY?

And that the Average Facebook user spends 13.3 hours per month, which is an average of 26 minutes per day!
And I can personally vouch for this seeing as I have a teenage daughter, who spends at least tripple this amount of time on Facebook.

So what are all these people doing while on Facebook? Well…

They’re connecting with their Facebook friends. They’re uploading and commenting on photos, status updates and videos. They’re creating and interacting with groups and events and they’re liking facebook Fan Page Websites.

So maybe you’ve already on Facebook and have a profile, but you might be asking… “What’s a Facebook Fan Page?”

I’m glad you asked.

A Facebook Fan Page Website or “Official Page Website” as Facebook has just renamed them is a page anyone can create for their local business, brand, organization or even an artist, band or public figure.

Just to get familiar, let’s talk about some famous and popular Facebook Fan Pages:

For example, the Official Fan Page of movie star Ben Stiller has over 1 million people who like his page. Yet, when you look at the navigation bar of this Fan Page Website there is nothing promoting his current movie, next movie, nor is there any interesting way to interact with him. It could be better, more interactive and much more profitable.

Another example is the Official Fan Page for the band Pink Floyd. They’ve got almost 3 million fans who “Like” their Facebook Fan Page, that’s huge. Yet there is NO way purchase their latest box set or buy products that promote this legendary band… Such a shame.

Then there is the Official Fan Page for the music artist Johnny Cash. Good ole Johhny has over 1.5 million fans, nice work Johnny! Yet, In the navigation bar there is no way for fans to sign up to get updates. They can’t buy the “Essential Johnny Cash” album or his “Flippin The Bird” T-Shirt. So… Johnny… call us and we’ll hook you up.

And lastly… the block buster Movie Titanic has an Official Facebook Fan Page that has around 3 million fans. Remember, this was one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. Yet, it has no way for fans to buy the 10th anniversary edition DVD or the 3-Disc special collectors edition. James Cameron is missing out on thousands of dollars in lost sales… right from Facebook!

Ok… So what is similar about each of these Facebook Fan Pages? Yes… they all have a HUGE amount of fans.
Yet… the thing I find most important and disturbing… is that… they all Look The Same!

If you put them all up on the same page, from that perspective… It’s almost impossible to tell them apart from one another.

Not only is this BORING… It’s bad for business because it’s NOT distinguishing, memorable or profitable.

Some better examples of professionally made custom Facebook Fan Page Websites from big brand companies you already know about include the Fan Page Website for Starbucks.

Starbucks is a company that GETS Social Media. They’ve made it so you can interact with and monitor your Starbucks account right on Facebook. You can Manage and RELOAD your balance from this Fan Page Website. Get it? Right from Facebook… you can send Starbuck MORE of your money. It’s a brilliant marketing strategy! Right?

There is another one that is even better… It’s the Fan Page for the Twilight Saga movies. They’ve made it so you can engage in live chat or watch a video preview. They’ve also got a quiz you can take, a poll to see what character you are and they’ve even got their twitter stream embedded directly into their Fan Page Website. It’s all perfect for connecting with the Twilight community.

So… what if you don’t have a $17 Million Dollar Marketing Budget like these Fortune 500 Big Brand Companies?

Not to worry.

Thats where Fan Page Websites can help. But before I tell you how you can easily and affordably have a Facebook Fan Page for your business or organization let’s first take a quick review of the facts about Facebook and why these facts are important to you.

• Again, Facebook has over 400 Million users, its growing like wild fire
• of those 400 million, 200 Million Users log onto Facebook every day
• and the average person is spending around 26 minutes interacting on Facebook, it’s astounding!
• What’s More, 100 Million people access Facebook directly from their mobile device, like their iPhone, Blacberry, Driod or iPad. and these numbers are ever increasing.
• What’s also important to know is that the Average Facebook User has around 130 friends
• and that they are connected to 60 Fan Pages

So… What this all boils down to…

Is 400 Million Reasons to get a Facebook Fan Page NOW! Before your competition does.

And we don’t just mean get just any Fan Page Website. You need to stand out in your crowded marketplace and be competitive and actually monetize Facebook. We’ll show you how.

What you need is a Custom Fan Page Website
• This is going to help your business have a Complete Social Media Marketing Campain in place
• One of The best features is that it can Generate Sales Directly on Your Fan Page Website
• It’s also going to help you Create and Capture Leads right within Facebook
• Which enables You to Build Your Email List or Newsletter with more subscribers
• A Custom Fan Page Website can also Drive Targeted Traffic Directly back to your Website
• And you can also engage your community with Videos, Polls, your Twitter Stream, Google Maps and almost anything you can imagine.

See it for yourself at our website. Just Google “Fan Page Websites”.

Take a look at our website and then ask yourself, “What Would Be Possible For My business with a Fan Page Website?”

I’d like you to find out how FanPageWebsites can help your business or organization

With a Fan Page Website
• You can sell your products and services directly from within Facebook
• Which is one of the best ways to Monetize Your Social campaign
• You get you Quality Internet Traffic from within Facebook
• While Building Your Email List for Future Marketing
• You’re able to Interactively Engage with your community
• While Building Brand Awareness
• And generating More Leads, More Sales and Ultimately… More Money.

It’s time you joined the New Media Revolution that’s taking place online Right Now.

FanPageWebsites.com will be there for you every step of the way with training, support and outstanding customer service.

You can contact us on our Web Page at FanPageWebsites.com

Or give us a call. Our Toll Free Number is 1-866-441-7235.

Find out how a Facebook Fan Page Website can help your business. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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